Tag Archives: romantic fantasy

John Wayne heads north – booze and brawls ensue

Directed by Henry Hathaway This movie, North to Alaska, is a difficult one to account for. I really like it a lot. But I can’t think of a single cinematic merit it has going for it. Essentially, if you don’t … Continue reading

North to Alaska (1960)

Directed by Henry Hathaway This movie, North to Alaska, is a difficult one to account for. I really like it a lot. But I can’t think of a single cinematic merit it has going for it. Essentially, if you don’t … Continue reading

Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)

Directed by Audrey Wells I resisted seeing this movie for a while. It seemed too much of a girl movie. Generally, I resist seeing girl movies as much as I resist seeing boy movies. They often have just too much … Continue reading