How and why Nick and Nora work

The series of Thin Man movies answers the question, “What does happily ever after look like?”

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Jean Harlow celebrates her centennial

Jean Harlow, March 3, 1911 – June 7, 1937

I confess to knowing little about Jean Harlow beyond her name and her fame. I do know, however, that she was born March 3, 1911. That would be one hundred years ago.

If you do a little Google search, you’re sure to find fistfuls of tributes to the original platinum blonde.

I also know that before she was Jean Harlow, she was Harlean Harlow Carpenter and she was born in Kansas City. (Another confession? I have never heard of the name Harlean until now.)

Here is what I do know. Two movies I did not care much for, according to what I wrote about them, are Libeled Lady and Dinner at Eight. Both movies had something in common, though: Jean Harlow, and in both cases she was the one thing I did like. Imagine that.

In my review of Dinner at Eight, I wrote this: “It [the movie] does pick up however, especially when we finally get to meet Jean Harlow, who is a joy to watch. She brings a wonderful note of comedy to the film and infuses it with some badly needed energy.”

Happy birthday Jean! I now know what I have to do: track down more Jean Harlow movies and find out more about this woman so I don’t have to plead ignorance when her name comes up.

Posted in: | Tagged: 100 years, centennial, , dinner at eight, energy, , happy birthday, Harlean, Harlean Carpenter, Jean Harlow, jean harlow movies, kansas city, , , one hundred years, platinum blonde, tributes, | 5 Comments